25+ Free Holiday Gift Tag Printables — Journey With Jess | Inspiration for your Creative Side

Hi! I'm Jessica, a full time graphic designer with a love of both design and travel. Welcome to my blog - I can't wait to share my travel tips and design ideas with you and hope I'll inspire your creative side.

I’m excited to announce that my very first Creative Kit is live and available for purchase in my shop!

25+ Free Holiday Gift Tag Printables

25+ Free Holiday Gift Tag Printables


The holiday season is officially upon us and I hope you're as excited about this as I am! One of my absolute favorite things about Christmas is gift wrapping. I don't know if it's just a me thing, but there's something very satisfying about creating the perfect creases and folding the wrapping paper edges up around a gift. It's very therapeutic. 

But every year I always loose my Christmas labels. I don't understand it, I buy them every single year in a pack of like a thousand from the dollar store and within a years time they mysteriously vanish. I don't get it. Maybe they are hiding out somewhere with all of my missing single socks and gloves. 

To help make your life (and mine) a little easier this holiday season, I've designed 3 sets of printable gift tags - a classic, vintage and modern version. Each set includes 9 gift tags that you can mix and match with any wrapping paper you may have. These can be printed onto card stock, trimmed and finished with a hole punch, making it easy to tie onto your Christmas gifts. I really hope you enjoy these gift tags!

Classic set

Classic set

Vintage set

Vintage set

Modern set

Modern set

You can download each gift tag set from the links below:

Free Font Collection: Holiday Fonts

Free Font Collection: Holiday Fonts

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How I Used Tailwind to Skyrocket My Blog Traffic


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