25+ Free Holiday Gift Tag Printables
The holiday season is officially upon us and I hope you're as excited about this as I am! One of my absolute favorite things about Christmas is gift wrapping. I don't know if it's just a me thing, but there's something very satisfying about creating the perfect creases and folding the wrapping paper edges up around a gift. It's very therapeutic.
But every year I always loose my Christmas labels. I don't understand it, I buy them every single year in a pack of like a thousand from the dollar store and within a years time they mysteriously vanish. I don't get it. Maybe they are hiding out somewhere with all of my missing single socks and gloves.
To help make your life (and mine) a little easier this holiday season, I've designed 3 sets of printable gift tags - a classic, vintage and modern version. Each set includes 9 gift tags that you can mix and match with any wrapping paper you may have. These can be printed onto card stock, trimmed and finished with a hole punch, making it easy to tie onto your Christmas gifts. I really hope you enjoy these gift tags!
Classic set
Vintage set
Modern set