Hi! I'm Jessica, a full time graphic designer with a love of both design and travel. Welcome to my blog - I can't wait to share my travel tips and design ideas with you and hope I'll inspire your creative side.
By purchasing a product from journeywithjess.com, you adhere to the Product License as stated below.
All products and design assets sold at journeywithjess.com are Copyright 2020 Jessica Wozniczka
With your one purchase of a Creative Kit from JourneywithJess, you hold the license to use the items in that kit for:
– Personal work
– Commercial work (on your blog, social media channels or that of a client)
– In up to 500 end products / end sales (see below for details)
An End Product is a digital design or a physical item that you plan to sell to more than one person. The design must be significantly different than, and not sold in direct competition with, the product purchased from JourneywithJess.
An End Product design requires time, effort and skill to produce. You cannot slightly change the items purchased from JourneywithJess to re-sell – you must be able to create a new design incorporating a variety of design elements.
You must not re-sell, share (eg. as opt-ins or freebies) or re-distribute any of the items purchased. When using items you’ve purchased from JourneywithJess in your design, your customers must not be able to extract those items for further use (eg. in templates).
JourneywithJess fonts can be used in both personal and commercial work and in the design of unlimited end products for sale.
You must not re-sell, transfer or redistribute the font – your design using the font must be flattened so the font cannot be extracted.
You, the purchaser of the font, hold the license to use the font. You must not share the font. All other users require a license of their own.
The font can be used in a design for a client (eg. logo, branding) however the font itself cannot be transferred to the client.
If a product contains both fonts and graphics, the fonts are sold under the Fonts license terms above and the graphics are sold under the Creative Kits license terms above (the fonts can be used unlimited times but the graphics have end product limitations).
Any use that allows anyone other than the Licensee to customize a digital or physical end product is prohibited. You must not provide any graphics or fonts purchased from JourneywithJess in editable templates – physical, digital or within an app.
Re-Sale or Re-distribution
You must not re-sell or re-distribute (eg. sharing as freebies, opt-ins) any items purchased from JourneywithJess.
©2025 · journeywithjess.com | All Rights Reserved