FREE PRINTABLE Weekly & Monthly Planners — Journey With Jess | Inspiration for your Creative Side

Hi! I'm Jessica, a full time graphic designer with a love of both design and travel. Welcome to my blog - I can't wait to share my travel tips and design ideas with you and hope I'll inspire your creative side.

I’m excited to announce that my very first Creative Kit is live and available for purchase in my shop!

FREE PRINTABLE Weekly & Monthly Planners

FREE PRINTABLE Weekly & Monthly Planners


Are you tired of using your phone as your only source of daily/monthly planning? Miss the good ol' days where paper was king? Fear no more! I'm happy to share with you two simple and functional printable planners for your organizational enjoyment. Not only will you have your days sorted out - but you'll have your month figured out as well. 

I'm back again to deliver you with another organizational freebie. It's no secret that I love printables to keep myself organized. But, as much as I love using my phone, it doesn't keep me as organized as I like. I know many of you remember in junior high or high school how necessary it was to have a daily planner to keep track of homework. Although I don't miss the high school experience, I do miss the ease of organizing my days. It's just not the same. 

For a while now I've been on the search for a weekly planner that was both functional as wells as pretty to look at. This is why I decided to create not only a weekly planner but a monthly planner as well. Both planners are done in the same style, color and font choices so those that are interested in downloading both can have a completed set. I believe the basic layout will serve you well and should help make your life less hectic. 

Download links can be found at the bottom of this post.


Both planners are 11 x 8.5" PDF's and will print from any home printer by switching your print layout to landscape. I suggest printing these out on Saturday so you have time to plan out your week or month. 

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