Free Font Collection: Rustic Fonts — Journey With Jess | Inspiration for your Creative Side

Hi! I'm Jessica, a full time graphic designer with a love of both design and travel. Welcome to my blog - I can't wait to share my travel tips and design ideas with you and hope I'll inspire your creative side.

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Free Font Collection: Rustic Fonts

Free Font Collection: Rustic Fonts


Happy fall! It's been almost 7 weeks since my last font collection series post and since we are nearing the end of September (what!?) it was about time I did another one. With summer in the rear view I wanted this months font collection series to be all about rustic fonts. If you missed it,  I've covered scriptclean and handwritten fonts in past months. When I think of rustic I think of autumn or the countryside and since fall is upon us, it only seemed fitting I would create this collection.

Rustic fonts have gained in popularity over the past couple of years. This is in part due to the popularity of rustic-chic weddings. Receptions with mason jars adorned on tables, dark stained wood accents and Edison bulbs are the epitome rustic. Although I missed this trend by about a year, I can still appreciate the simplicity and elegance of rustic themed weddings. The trendy rustic movement isn't strictly limited to weddings - home designers are using this as inspiration for interior design. Because of this, this type of font can be seen almost everywhere; trendy coffee shops, boutiques and even used in framed quotes. A short search through Etsy proves this point. If you're planning a rustic themed wedding or just like the look of these fonts, I've come up with 18 of my favorite rustic themed fonts.  

Below you can find the list of all 18 rustic fonts you can download today!

1) Click on an of the above links.
2) You will be directed to the font webpage.
3) For Click on the "download" button on the right hand side. A zip file should begin downloading. Locate the zip file and open it. Open all of the .ttf files and click the "install" button at the top of each window that opens. They will be automtically installed into your fonts folder.

If you're getting an "invalid font" error, trying logging in as Administrator. Don't drag the files directly from the zip folder in to the fonts folder: this won't work. If you're still having issues installing, please google "invaild font" and you should find some discussion boards.


Disclaimer: Most of these fonts are free for commercial use. Please read the license on each font before using them. The downloaded zip files should contain a text document called "license." It is your responsibility to read the terms and conditions for each font you choose to download. Any font listed as "Demo" means you are allowed to download and try for free. You will need to purchase the license if you decide to use the font past the mock-up phase.

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