International Travel + FREE PRINTABLE Checklist — Journey With Jess | Inspiration for your Creative Side

Hi! I'm Jessica, a full time graphic designer with a love of both design and travel. Welcome to my blog - I can't wait to share my travel tips and design ideas with you and hope I'll inspire your creative side.

I’m excited to announce that my very first Creative Kit is live and available for purchase in my shop!

International Travel + FREE PRINTABLE Checklist

International Travel + FREE PRINTABLE Checklist


This coming Tuesday, I'll be traveling to Krakow, Poland for vacation and to also visit my husbands' family. We leave Aug 22 and get back home Aug 31 - which leaves us a full week to explore. We are flying to Berlin, Germany and driving to Krakow [to save us some $], so I'm excited to see the sites and landscapes on the 6 hour car ride there. I am no stranger to international travel, but this will be my first time visiting Poland. For whatever reason, international travel is always hard on me. It makes me so exhausted and I always have a difficult time with jet lag. We have quite the long trek ahead of us Wednesday and I would be lying if I said I was a little apprehensive about the journey. I know most people say to just sleep on the plane, but I can never get comfortable enough to sleep on a plane. My only option is to push through the day.

Before I even worry about getting there, I have to start the arduous task of packing. I hate packing. I'm an over-packer and tend to bring more than necessary. I plan on packing sometime Sunday so I don't feel rushed packing the night before. I always get really anxious about packing and possibly forgetting something. I'll even have nightmares about forgetting essential items such as my camera or phone!

To keep my sanity (and hopefully help with organization), I've created a packing checklist. I'm really big into check lists and without them I can sometimes become a little scattered-brained. This checklist is free for your personal use and you can print directly from your home printer. Although I'll be traveling internationally, you can easily use this checklist for domestic travel as well. The checklist is 8.5 x 11" PDF

We're staying at an Airbnb which has wifi available, but I'm not sure how easily I'll be able toblog while away. I'm hoping I'll be able to at least post a few photos and a little blurb about each. But If not, I'll be back to the daily grind of things September 1.

I absolutely LOVE the Lonely Planet travel guides. I used the Tokyo one last September it was so helpful! I highly suggest these when traveling internationally and the small pocket size book is the perfect size.

Top 7 Must Do's in Krakow

Top 7 Must Do's in Krakow

Monthly Ipsy Bag Value - August 2017

Monthly Ipsy Bag Value - August 2017


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